Liquor In The Front Poker In The Rear Meme
Shop high quality Liquor In The Front Poker In The Rear T-Shirts from CafePress. See great designs on styles for Men, Women, Kids, Babies, and even Dog T-Shirts! Free Returns 100% Money Back Guarantee Fast Shipping. 18 points. 2 comments - Unlike a certain bawdy house that advertises liquor in the front and poker in the rear. 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet! I once saw a barsign saying 'liquor in the front poker in the rear'. Is that a rule to live by? I prefer liquor and poker in the same room at the. 'Liquor In Front Poker In Rear', Silver Clad Coin Giant 28 Ounce Clear Glass Beer Stein Mug LIQUOR IN THE FRONT POKER IN T 4 Silver 1 Oz Rounds.999 Fine -Liquor In Front, USS Utah, Mexico Onza. Warning - thread Liquor In The Front And Poker In The Rear might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over. Note: to turn off these warnings you need to set the 'safe mode' to OFF (on the top right).

Liquor In The Front Poker In The Rear Memes
'Liquor in/up (the) front, poker in (the) rear/back” is a bar sign saying that has been put in T-shirts and other gift items. The joke plays upon the words “liquor” ('lick her') and “poker” ('poke her').
“Liquor in front, poker in back” and “liquor in the front and poker in the rear” have both been cited in print from 1984.
Yahoo! Answers
Where did “liquor in the front, poker in the back” come from?
2 years ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Actually it’s “ liquor in the front, poker in the rear”. It’s an old double entendre probably from the old american west. It’s an obvious double meaning play on words bit describing both a saloon and how to best pleasure a woman sexually.
Back in Time Trading Post
SIGN a nice reprint of an old saloon sign. The sign is a heavy paper stock and reads “Brass Rail Saloon”, “Liquor In Front Poker In Rear” and “El Paso Texas”. It also has “Ace Printing Co.” and “14 JUL 31”. The sign measures about 9 1/2 inches across and is about 6 1/4 inches wide. The paper has browning for an aged appearance. El Paso officially became part of the USA in 1845 when Texas joined the Union and was orginally known as Franklin.
Google Books
Texas Crude:
The how-to on talkin’ Texan
By Ken Weaver
New York, NY: E. P. Dutton
Pg. ?:
Google Books
The Complete Book of Drinking Games
By Chugger Downs and E. Z. Buz
New York, NY: Tribeca Communications
Pg. ?:
We witnessed this issue of variety most appropriately when we visited a bar whose welcoming sign read: “Liquor in the Front and Poker in the Rear.”
Google Books
Happy Hours
By Gary Smith
New York, NY: Harmony Books
Pg. 68:
Taped to the cash register behind the bar was a magazine photo of a bare-bottomed playmate holding a sign that read “Liquor in the Front, Poker in the Rear.”
Google Books
Dirty Work
By Rob Kantner
New York, NY: Bantam Books
Pg. ?:
The T-shirt read “Liquor in the Front, Poker in the Back.”
OCLC WorldCat record
Liquor in the front : poker in the rear
Author: Reverend Horton Heat; WEA Europe.; Carrère music.; Sub Pop ltd.; et al
Publisher: London : WEA Europe ; Le Blanc Mesnil : distrib. Carrère music, 1994 (P)
Edition/Format: Music CD : CD audio : English
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of Humor
By Geoff Tibballs
New York, NY: Carroll & Graf
Pg. 242:
A good woman is like a good bar—liquor in the front and poker in the rear.
Liquor In The Front Poker In The Rear Meme

New York City •Restaurants/Bars/Coffeehouses/Food Stores •(0) Comments • Sunday, April 01, 2012 •Permalink